Michigan Publishing Marketing Guide

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Mpublishing is please to work with you to promote your publication upon launch. We start from the idea that each of the publishing parties has expertise in different areas and that by working together, we will be most successful in marketing and promoting your journal. Already, authors promote their work widely by talking about it at conferences, teaching it to students and engaging in the scholarly conversation. In addition to these usual activities, we’d like to ask you to consider using Internet tools to draw attention to your work, and can provide you with guidelines to help you use these tools.

We also very much welcome your suggestions for how best to draw attention to your work. Filling out our marketing information form will help us promote your journal to the broadest possible audience.

MPublishing’s primary goal for your publication is to enhance its discoverability online so that anyone who is interested in it can easily find it and read it. A fully searchable electronic version of your text will be freely and permanently available through our publishing platform. The publications we host are indexed by search engines, which help readers find your work.


Marketing & Promoting your Publication

We start from the idea that each of the publishing parties has expertise in different areas and that by working together, we will be most successful in marketing and promoting your journal. Already, authors promote their work widely by talking about it at conferences, teaching it to students and engaging in the scholarly conversation. In addition to these usual activities, we’d like to ask you to consider using Internet tools to draw attention to your book, and can provide you with guidelines to help you use these tools.

We also very much welcome your suggestions for how best to draw attention to your work. Filling out our marketing information form will help us promote your journal to the broadest possible audience.

MPublishing’s primary goal for your journal is to enhance its discoverability online so that anyone who is interested in it can easily find it and read it. A fully searchable electronic version of your text will be freely and permanently available through our publishing platform. The publications we host are indexed by search engines, which help readers find your work.

As a library-based publisher, MPublishing has expertise in the library community and works to let libraries know about your journal. We catalog journal prior to publication and make the records available to libraries worldwide through WorldCat

MPublishing is pleased to work with you to promote your publication upon launch. Here's what we do & what we need for you to facilitate this process.

Getting Started:

What MPublishing does for all publications:

  • Create metadata for cataloging the resource (& harvesting by OAIster?)
  • Add the resource to our website and posting a notice on our blog
    • Would you be interested in participating in an author/editor Q&A, for the MPublishing blog? If so, would you prefer to write the questions and answers yourself or to have a MPublishing staff member write the questions for you to answer?
  • Add an RSS feed so that readers can subscribe to automatic notifications about the availability of new issues
  • Notify our local community at U-M about the resource, as well as our publishing & library peers
  • Where applicable, add the resource to online directories of scholarly resources (like the Directory of Open Access Journals)

How we can work with you to increase visibility:

  • Write a press release with you to announce the new resource.

to do this please fill out and return the Marketing Handout.

If you're interested in seeing how people are using your publication:

  • We collect statistics about usage of our publications, which you can access through our stats system. Instructions for doing so are on our wiki.
  • Google Analytics reports are available upon request.
  • You can set up a Google Alert for the name of your publication to monitor how your publication is being talked about on the web.

After your publication launches, here are some things you can do to help get the word out.

  • Setting up a e-mail address that you can use to facilitate the regular communication needs of you publication. MPublishing can provide you with such a group e-mail address or listserv upon request.
  • E-mail Signature: a great way to help get the word out about your publication with minimal effort on your part is to create an E-mail Signature in your email account with the name and URL of your publication. This can be done using most email providers. If you do not already use your email signature tool, here’s how:
    • Access the “Settings” or similar feature of your email provider. For example, for Microsoft Outlook the menu route is “Tools”->”Options”->”Mail Format.”
    • Proceed to the “Signature” section and include a message such as “Visit The Journal of Baubles and Trinkets here: [link to publication home page]."
  • Build a rich network of links to your publication. (In an increasingly saturated information and media environment, it's a useful filter and is needed to compete for those scarcest of resources, time and attention!)
    • Encourage friends who are bloggers to write about and link back to your publication.
    • Encourage those Wikipedians that you know to add content to Wikipedia that links back to your journal. (This may not help in terms of your overall links, but we do get A LOT of hits from Wikipedia.)
    • If your publication has a website hosted elsewhere, please link to the publication's website hosted by MPublishing.
    • Add links to the publication wherever it appears on the web; from your CV (if it's online), your departmental homepage, or your personal website or blog (if you have them).
    • Encourage contributing authors to do likewise!
  • Set up accounts on social media sites for your publication. [See Specific Media Guidelines]

Social Media Guide

[U-M Social Media Strategy Outline]


  • Why are you establishing a social media presence?


  • What do you plan to achieve with this social medium? Inform? Encourage dialogue? Share information? What kind of information? What platform(s) will you use to achieve this?

Target Audience

  • Who will be reading and commenting on your social media? Who are you trying to engage?

Execution and Maintenance

  • Who will establish the social media site?
  • Who will be the administrator and maintain the site?
  • How often do you plan to update it? (Sites should be updated at least once to twice a week, and depending on the type of social media, more frequently.)
  • How will you make connection to other U-M websites?
  • How will you measure the outcomes to know that you have met your goals?
Personal tools