Usage Statistics

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Revision as of 12:35, 7 April 2011 by Kshawkin (Talk | contribs)
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We have two systems for tracking usage of a publication:

  • Google Analytics
  • Michigan's homegrown system that's part of DLXS

As a publishing partner, your contact at SPO can get you access to Google Analytics for your publication. Just send an email address attached to a Google Account.

The information below describes Michigan's system.

The Michigan system

Michigan's system is the successor to a different system used before May 2007. Data from before May 2007 was imported from the old stats system and is unreliable. As of Jan. 7, 2011, it includes counts PDF views and downloads as a type of view (previously these views were not included at all) for most publications.

There are two interfaces to the Michigan statistics system:

For more information on the reports available from these two interfaces, see documentation provided by the Digital Library Production Service.

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