Usage Statistics

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Revision as of 16:11, 28 August 2012 by Kshawkin (Talk | contribs)
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We have two systems for tracking usage of a publication:

  • Google Analytics: This provides visual and tabular data based on unique URLs. You can filter the data based on substrings of URLs, allowing an easy way to track usage of particular titles or particular system functions.
  • Michigan's homegrown system: This system is used for publications hosted in DLXS on The system is aware of DLXS's URL structure and is able to equate URLs that are functionally equivalent and compile data on different types of searches and different types of browsing

Google Analytics

A publishing partner's principle contact at MPublishing can get you access to Google Analytics for your publication. Just provide an email address attached to a Google Account which which you'd like access to the data to be shared.

The Michigan system

Michigan's system is the successor to a different system used before May 2007. Data from before May 2007 was imported from the old stats system and is unreliable.

The way the COUNTER Book Reports 1 and 2, and text views, are calculated was changed on Nov. 15, 2011. As of May 24, 2011, we are now recording section hits for encoded-text items (in addition to page-image items), allowing generation of COUNTER Book Report 2 data for these items.

As of March 21, 2012, the system includes PDF views and downloads as a type of view for most publications. (Previously these views were not included at all, and certain PDF views were erroneously included in the "pg/img" subtype from Jan. 7, 2011 to March 20, 2012.) As of April 6, 2012, clicks on links to download a PDF are included in Book Report 1.

There are two interfaces to the Michigan statistics system:

  • – From this page, you can generate:
    • Custom reports showing usage across all institutions and, if accessed from an institution, usage from that institution's IP range
    • COUNTER reports documenting usage from an institution's IP range (only if accessed from that institution's IP range)
  • – This page is only available to those who are designated as a manager of a publication. From this page, you can generate:
    • Custom reports for any publication for which you are a manager, with statistics broken down by known institution
    • COUNTER reports documenting usage from users anywhere

A publishing partner can request access to the manager interface for their publication from their contact at MPublishing.

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