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Moderation Help



To Add a Moderator

  1. Set up a username/password with DISQUS.
  2. Primary moderators can others to the moderator list, giving them access to the administrative settings, by doing the following:
    1. Go to Admin -> Settings tab -> Moderators
    2. Click the 'Add Moderator' button.
    3. Enter the the email address of the new moderator and select which moderating privileges you'd like them to have (Can change settings and/or Can edit comments).

To Remove a Moderator

  1. Go to Admin -> Settings tab -> Moderators
  2. Click on the 'Remove' button next to the moderator you'd like to delete.

Recommended Moderation Settings

  1. Go to Admin -> Settings tab -> Moderators
  2. Select "Yes. Moderators must approve comments before they are published."
  3. Select "From all commenters"
  4. Check the box next to "Email moderators when a post is flagged."

To Change Email Notification Settings

Admin -> Moderate tab -> Email Notifications. Check the button next to “Enabled. Send me notifications”

-Be sure to check the boxes next to the type of email notifications you'd like to receive. MPublishing recommends that you receive notifications for ALL comments.

-Check the box next to your sites name (at the bottom) to enable notifications

Moderating Via Email

Options: You can moderate through email. Respond in the body with "Delete", "Approve", or "Spam". Respond with anything else to approve the comment and post your message as a reply comment.


  1. To prevent unwanted comments from slipping through, MPublishing recommends
  2. DISQUS will alert you to commenters with a low reputation by adding a 'Low Rep' indicator below the commenters name.
  3. To see what types of other comments a user has been posting, click on the his/her name. Comments they've added on other sites will display in a box on the right.
  4. Add valid commenters to the whitelist. Add spammers and other invalid commenters to the blacklist. (Whitelist/Blacklist Help: http://docs.disqus.com/help/55/)
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