Publishing Partner Guide to DOIs

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MPublishing is a member of CrossRef, which allows us to create Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) of our publications. These DOIs provide a stable identifier for a work which redirects to the URL of the definitive version online. Besides providing a stable identifier for the work, CrossRef members are required to link to each other's works using DOIs, which can make citation trails easier to follow.

If a publishing partner agrees to allow MPublishing to create DOIs for works distributed online by MPublishing and yet the publishing partner creates a PDF version of the work (for distribution in print or online by MPublishing or through other channels), the publishing partner is responsible for checking each bibliograhic reference against the CrossRef database and inserting DOIs when available into all files to be provided to MPublishing. You can search using the Simple Text Query form provided by CrossRef or the Guest Query form.

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